Wednesday, November 17, 2004

This is one of those stories that just has to be told.

Yesterday, I saw three squirrels commit suicide. You'd think the natural way for a squirrel to off themselves would be to run out in front of a car. Not these bad boys. They jumped out of a tree.

I was in the art building here today, generally slacking off when I should have been working, and headed out to meet up with a friend for dinner. I was on my way to the dining hall, walking through the quad, and I hear a loud rustling up in the trees. I look up to see a blurry mass falling down from a good distance up in the tree, it landed about 4 feet behind me and I walked over to check it out.

It turned out, it was a squirrel. He was just laying there, dying. Then, he looked up at me as if to say 'I told u I wuz hardcore' and went limp. That's the point where I said 'shit' out loud.

I turned and continued walking when, almost right in front of me, falls another one. It almost hit this other dude in the head. If it would have, I would not have been able to meet my friend for dinner, for I would have pissed my pants. This squirrel landed *splat* on the brick sidewalk.

Almost at that very moment, I heard another one hit the ground. 'Holy Shit' I both said to myself and out loud, 'I need to get out of here' I looked at the guy who almost got impaled my the rodent and we exchanged confused and fairly scared looks.

So, it seems depression among squirrels is up 300% at my university. With reckless abandon, they are jumping to their certain demise. I swear to you that every bit of this is true.

I finally got to the dining hall and while my friend and I were eating, a furry walked by in full garb. It was the first time I had seen one that close in full costume. I feared the fact that he very well may have been the "squirrel master" causing the animals to commit suicide. However, this is another story for another day.


Galoot said...

The good Dr. Moonman made me laugh. I hate being made to laugh when mourning for critters.

Any chance these were Liberal squirrels?

Anonymous said...

They may have been fighting up there, and a bigger squirrel might have kicked them out of the tree.

I've seen it happen with possums here in Australia. I saw one baby possum get knocked off a branch and he fell a good 30 feet before hitting the ground. He bounced once, shook his head, realised there was a human nearby and ran back up the tree.
Marsupials are built tough. :)