Well, I finally did it. I finally confessed my love for the bookstore girl. Since I don't have her current phone number or anything, I sent her a message over AIM. I know it wasn't the best wau to do it, but I had to do something and didn't know how else to contact her.
She was away, so I'm still waiting on a reply. I'll update when I hear something, if I hear something. Either it will be a crushing, defeating heartbreak or perhaps I'll luck out for once in my life, who knows. Here's to hoping.
May the force be with you.
I always have been of the opinion that confessing love, particularly to coffee girls and bookstores girls, should best be done In Person ... AFTER they have agreed to meet you for a bagel or something. Then just spill it all, the dream of the house in the suburbs, the 5 kids, the Republican Party fundraisers. But then what do I know? I'm an old guy. Please make sure to post your agony when it arrives.
why hello there, who the hell are you?
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